2-13-8 Kugayama,
Suginami - ku,
Tokyo 168-0082 Japan

Kenji YAMADA, is an artist who attempts to express how, through modern societies' misinterpretations of local natural phenomena and ancient folk wisdom, social practices and constructed expressions have been created. The field and expressions that he has produced evoke our diverse senses of the un-sequential of time and energy, and stirs up thoughts of the extraordinary situations that come along with them.
Since the March 11th Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, centered in Japan and the U.K., he has moved, like a flow of environmental refugees, to various places around the world. His activities often incorporate the ways in which peoples' fluid and unsettled social positions have the possibility to affect the international and interregional community.
He currently lives and works in London and Tokyo.
2013 BSIM App., 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
2011 BSIM(The BEPPU Subterranean Innards Museum), platform02, Beppu, Japan
2009 Frozen Murmur, Rotterdam, Stiching Kaus Australis, Netherlands
2008 Untitled, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2007 Booking Void Inn AKIYAMAGOU, Mt. Torikabuto, Nagano, Japan
2003 Booking Void Inn, Mt. Amamizu, Niigata, Japan
2002 Untitled, Nechi, Niigata, Japan
2001 Snow-road, Oumi-city, Niigata, Japan
2015 The World Artists, The Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Yamaguchi pref, Japan
2013 In this Place In this Time, Crypt Gallery, London, UK
2012 Move arts Japan, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
2011 3331 Art Action, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
2011 NEZUMI-KOU Exhibition, RED CUBE, Tokyo, Japan
2011 RE:DISCOVERING AKIYOSHIDAI, The Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Yamaguchi pref, Japan
2010 3331 secret auction, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
2009 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2009, Mt. Amamizu, Niigata, Japan
2009 RAIR#1, WDW63/Rotterdam Netherlands
2008 Project the Projectors 2008, BankART NYK, YOKOHAMA, Japan
2006 Earth Work International 2007, Hillside Plaza, Tokyo, Japan
2006 Art path 2006, Ibaraki, Japan
Shiro Yamada, US military underground tunnel / Urban Legend of a Hot Spring District, The Oita Goudou Shimbun ( Newspaper ), 9, May, 2013, p.--
James Jack, When the connections are as crucial as the art, The Japan Times ( Newspaper ), 17, Jan, 2013, p.--
--, The underground tunnel of mystery in Beppu / Discovered on The Site of The Oita Occupation US Army Base, The Shinano Mainichi Shimbun ( Newspaper ), 15, Feb, 2012, p.--
Mikio Houri, People of the topic / Artist Kenji Yamada(28) who discovered Underground Tunnel, The Mainichi Shinbun( Newspaper ), 10, Feb, 2012, p.--
Yusuke Omori, Mysterious Underground Tunnel of Beppu / "Legend" Comes True Remains of Occupation Troops? / Two places discovered artists from Tokyo, The Yahoo News( online ), 7, Jan, 2012
Yusuke Omori, Mysterious Underground Tunnel of Beppu / "Legend" Comes True Remains of Occupation Troops? / Two places discovered artists from Tokyo, The Yomiuri Shinbun( Newspaper ), 7, Jan, 2012, p--
Mikio Houri, Under ground ‘ Art walk ’, The Mainichi Shinbun( Newspaper ), 11, Oct, 2011, p.23
Hiroshi Ono, Art Award Winner Kenji Yamada, The Konnichi Shinbun( Newspaper ), 11, Oct, 2011, p.--
Satoko Shigeno, Monday nterview / Kenji YAMADA , YAMADATA Times, March, 2011, p.1
Sakai, Motoki, Booking Void Inn MATSUNOYAMA, Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2009 - Official Catalog, March, 2010, pp.174-175
Nagamine, Mika, Artists of the most noteworthy in Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2009, BT(Bijyutsu-Techo),Sept. 2009, pp.98-109
Oshita, Kentaro, Works on Matsunoyama-Area, Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2009 - Official Guid-Book, Aug, 2010
2011 YAMADA Kenji artist talks, KAPO, Kanazawa, Japan
2011 YAMADA Kenji artist talks, Z space(ano), Okinawa, Japan
2011 trans2010-2011 artist talks, The Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Yamaguchi pref
2010 KAWAMATA Prize Artists talk, panel discussion, BankART NYK, Yokohama, Japan
2009 RAIR#1 Artists talk, artist talks/presentations, WDW63, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2008 MONKEYS on the WATER, artist talks, Duende, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2011 BEPPU ART AWARD 2011, BEPPU PROJECT, Beppu, Japan
2010 trans2010-2011 AIR, The Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Yamaguchi pref, Japan
2010 The Asahi Shimbun Foundation / Grants for artistic activities, Tokyo, Japan
2009 Stiching Kaus Australis AIR, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2008 The Nomura Cultural Foundation / Grants for artistic activities, Tokyo, Japan
2008 KAWAMATA Prize, Yokohama, Japan
2008 B.A. in Inter Media Art(IMA), Tokyo University of the Arts
2015 Associate Lecturer, MA Fine Art course, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design
2015 Associate Professor, MA Grovel Art Practice course, Tokyo University of the Arts